Patents are a form of intellectual property rights that give its owners exclusive rights over their invention. Patents are created to prevent others from the use or distribution of the invention for a certain period but requires public disclosure in exchange. Patents have become especially important today as inventions are taking place constantly to stay competitive. The courses mentioned below are meant to educate anyone interested in protecting their work or understand whether they fall under the scope of patents.
Patent Law
Right from teaching students about what patents are, this course takes students on a journey of patent creation, requirements for patentability and ends with patent infringement. Patent Law is a course that is being offered by the University of Pennsylvania and is a part of their Intellectual Property Law specialization. Over 12 hours, students will gain an understanding of the importance of patents and their life followed by the scope and limits. With the help of a case study involving an actual document, students will learn to analyze different aspects of an issued patent and develop strategies to deal with patent infringement.
Protecting Business Innovations via Patent
This beginner’s course requires no prior knowledge in law and is useful for everyone including engineers and businessmen or women. The course is being offered by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and can be completed in approximately 8 hours. The course will help students understand the basics of patents, the need for patents and the process to get them. Along with the formal application, review and appeal process, the course will also teach students about the requirements for filing a patent. Students will also learn about different types of patents and study several cases of small and large companies going to court over patents. This course is one of the four-course series focusing on protecting business innovations via Patent, Copyright, Trademark and Strategy.
Protecting Business Innovations via Copyright
This course is also another course in the four-course series focusing on protecting business innovations via Patent, Copyright, Trademark and Strategy. The course focuses on the fact that even though innovations are the essence of successful businesses, innovation leaders often face losses due to their inability to protect their innovations adequately. This 13-hours course is offered by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. This course will introduce students to Copyrights, their limitations, Derivative Work and Parody. Students will also be taught about software innovation and its protection using copyright as it constitutes a special section of copyrights.
Intellectual Property Law and Protection: Part 1
This intermediate course is the first of a two-part series on Intellectual Property Law and Protection offered by the University of Pennsylvania. For 6 weeks, students will understand the theory behind intellectual property law and some central arguments behind intellectual property rights. This course will introduce students to patents, disclosure requirements as well as novelty and non-obviousness requirements. The scope, enforcement and questions on the patent policy are also discussed in this course.
Patenting in Biotechnology
With a focus on patents, this course focuses on Intellectual Property Rights in the field of Biotechnology. The course is offered jointly by the Technical University of Denmark and Copenhagen Business School and is spread over 26 hours. In this course, students will learn about intellectual property rights and the important subjects related to patenting. Students will also understand the process of filing, international filing, publication and potential approval of patents. To avoid patent infringement, students will also be taught how to conduct a literature search.
All the courses mentioned above will be delivered in English. Students can enroll for free in the courses but a fee will be required to get a certificate. Students can also apply for financial aid with the facilitators.